
Provagin Drug Interactions

metronidazole + nystatin




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Drug Interactions
Drugs that can interact with Metronidazole are: Coumarin Anticoagulants: The use of Metronidazole extends the effect of oral anticoagulants causing prolonged prothrombin time or blood clotting, so avoid using Metronidazole with anticoagulants.
Metronidazole can interact with alcohol causing reactions such as disulfiram (a disulfiram - like reaction) in some patients. Be careful about using alcohol while on therapy with Metronidazole.
Co-administration with disulfiram can cause acute psychosis and confusion (confusion) in some patients. Therefore, the two drugs should not be used together until 2 weeks after disulfiram usage ends.
Short-term therapy with Metronidazole in patients stabilized with relatively high lithium doses is reported to increase the concentration of lithium in serum causing signs of toxicity in some patients.
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