
Heberbiovac-HB Indications/Uses


Heber Biotec


Full Prescribing Info
For active immunization against infection by HBV and prevention of its potential consequences such as acute or chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and primary carcinoma. Specially recommended for the following high-risk population groups: Health workers in direct contact with patients. Morgue, funeral parlor and forensic-service staff.
Students in medical and nursing schools and related technical schools in contact with patients.
Persons who work with blood and blood derivatives.
Travelers going to or coming from high-risk countries or regions.
Household contacts with positive cases.
Handicapped persons receiving social service, persons living in institutions and community homes, and the staff of these institutions.
Patients who have received a number of blood transfusions or those affected with oncological disorders, nephropathies, cirrhosis or receiving hemodialysis or plasmapheresis, among others.
New-born children of infected mothers or all new-born children in high or medium-risk countries or regions.
Patients who will undergo elective surgery with sufficient time for seroconversion.
Receptors of transplanted organs.
Hemophiliacs and other systematic blood receptors.
Soldiers and other military personnel on active duty.
Prisoners, prison guards and other prison employees.
Persons at risk of sexual contamination (e.g. promiscuous persons, male homosexuals, prostitutes and venereal-disease patients) and drug addicts.
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