
Amgevita Drug Interactions





Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
When Adalimumab was administered to 21 RA patients on stable MTX therapy, there were no statistically significant changes in the serum MTX concentration profiles. In contrast, after single and multiple dosing, MTX reduced adalimumab apparent clearances by 29% and 44% respectively. The data do not suggest the need for dose adjustment of either Adalimumab or MTX.
Interactions between Adalimumab and drugs other than MTX have not been evaluated in formal pharmacokinetic studies. In clinical trials, no interactions have been observed when Adalimumab was administered with commonly used DMARDs (sulfasalazine, hydrochloroquine, leflunomide and parenteral gold), glucocorticoids, salicylates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics.
Drug/Laboratory Test Interaction: There is no known interference between Adalimumab and laboratory tests.
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