
Cerebrolysin Mechanism of Action


Ever Neuro


Firma Vai Hong
HealthCare PharmaScience
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Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics: Experiments indicate that Cerebrolysin increases glucose penetration even with dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier, influences the glucose consumption of damaged regions of the brain, and exerts proven positive effects on disturbed oxidative cerebral metabolism after intravenous injection. The cerebral lactate concentration is also reduced.
Clinically, improvements in neurophysiological performance were quantified in all age groups by means of psychopathometric tests.
Pharmacokinetics: The proteolytic peptide fraction from porcine brain protein consists of short-chain biological peptides similar or identical to those occurring endogenously. It has not been possible to date to measure pharmacokinetic parameters directly. Indirect pharmacokinetic data were determined on the basis of the pharmacodynamic profile of Cerebrolysin. On this basis it is possible to demonstrate a neurotropic effect of Cerebrolysin in blood plasma up to 24 hours after a single administration.
Moreover, components of Cerebrolysin are able to pass the blood-brain barrier. Preclinical in vivo studies showed identical pharmacodynamic effects on the central nervous system after intra-cerebroventricular or peripheral administration. This is indirect evidence that components of Cerebrolysin pass the blood-brain barrier.
Toxicology: Preclinical Safety Data: Conventional studies on pharmacological safety, chronic toxicity, reproduction toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity indicated that there is no special risk associated with the administration to humans.
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