
Cerebrolysin Adverse Reactions


Ever Neuro


Firma Vai Hong
HealthCare PharmaScience
Full Prescribing Info
Adverse Reactions
The required drive stimulatory effect is occasionally associated with agitation (aggressiveness, confusion, insomnia).
In rare cases there have been reports of hyperventilation, hypertension, hypotension, fatigue, tremor, depression, apathy and stupor, and influenza-like symptoms (colds, coughing, infection of the respiratory tract).
One major seizure and a case of convulsion have been associated with Cerebrolysin.
Gastrointestinal disturbances are observed very rarely (lack of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting, nausea).
Injection, especially if performed too quickly, may lead to a moderate sensation of heat or sweating, vertigo, or in isolated cases to palpitation or arrhythmia.
Local reactions at the site of administration have been observed in isolated cases, e.g. reddening of the skin, itching and burning.
Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions have been reported very rarely, e.g. tingling, dermal and local vascular reactions, pain in the neck, head and limbs, fever, slight back pain, dyspnoea, shivering and state similar to shock.
Since Cerebrolysin is used in elderly patients, the previously mentioned symptoms are for the most part typical for this age group and also frequently occur without medication.
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