
Minidoz Special Precautions

ethinylestradiol + gestodene






Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
The following conditions need watching carefully while the patient is taking Minidoz: Severe depressive states (past or present), varicose vein, diabetes (diabetes mellitus) or a tendency towards diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), fits (epilepsy), the inherited from of deafness known as otosclerosis, the disease of the nervous system called multiple sclerosis, the inherited disease called porphyria, calcium deficiency with cramps (tetany), the movement disorder called Sydenham's chorea, breast problems (past of present), diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular diseases), kidney diseases, disturbed liver function, the patient is overweight (obese), an intolerance to contact lenses, systemic lupus erythematosus-SLE (inflammation of connective tissue), asthma, uterine fibroids (benign tumour of the womb), gallstones, migraine, brown patched on the face and body (chloasma), any disease that is prone to worsen during pregnancy or if: Inflamed veins (phlebitis), anyone in the family has had breast cancer, any illness caused by blood clots, or a heart attack or stroke at a young age.
Reason for stopping Minidoz immediately: If the patient experiences any of the following conditions take no further tablets of Minidoz and consult the doctor immediately. In the meantime use another method of contraception such as a condom: Migraine for the first time, (or if existing migraine occurs more often than before), unusually bad headaches or if the patient had headaches more often than before, (sudden changes to the eyesight, hearing, speech, sense of smell, taste or touch), dizziness or fainting, unusual pains in the leg or unusual swelling of the arms or legs, sharp pains in the chest or sudden shortness of breath, crushing pains or feeling of heaviness in the chest, coughing for no apparent reason or if one side of the body suddenly becomes very weak or numb. These may be symptoms of blood clot formation or symptoms of an inflammation of veins combined with the formation of blood clots (thrombophlebitis), the skin becomes light brown (jaundice), the patient develops hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) or if the whole body starts itching, an increase in the number of fits (epileptic seizures), a large increase in the blood pressure, severe depression, severe upper abdominal pains or unusual swelling of the abdomen, definite worsening of conditions which had got worse during a previous pregnancy or whilst previously using the pill or other hormonal contraception, pregnancy, pending operation (six weeks beforehand), any surgery to the legs, varicose veins, immobilization (for instance, following accidents).
Effects on ability to drive and use machines: No effects on the ability to drive and to use machines have been observed.
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