
Minidoz Adverse Reactions

ethinylestradiol + gestodene






Full Prescribing Info
Adverse Reactions
Serious adverse event: Thrombosis (the formation of a clot in blood vessels) or liver disease.
Stop Minidoz, if serious adverse event occurs and contact the doctor, immediately.
If the patient notices any side effects not mentioned in this monograph, inform the doctor or pharmacist.
Non-serious adverse event: Bleeding and spotting between periods can sometimes occur for the first few months but this usually stops once the body has adjusted to Minidoz. If it continues becomes heavy or starts again, contact the doctor.
Headaches, feeling sick, being sick and stomach upsets, sore breasts, depressive moods, loss of interest in sex, changes in weight, chloasma (yellow brown patches on the skin). This may happen even if the patient has been using Minidoz for a number of months. Chloasma may be reduced by avoiding too much sunlight.
Poor tolerance to contact lenses.
If the patient notices any side effects not mentioned in this monograph, inform the doctor or pharmacist.
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