
Meladinine Special Precautions



Laboratoires MACORS


Pacific Healthcare
Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
All exposure to sunshine after treatment with Meladinine is associated with marked risk of burning.
The stipulated gradual increase in duration of exposure to UV radiation (sunlight or lamp) must be followed carefully.
After each treatment session, any further exposure to sunshine must be avoided by covering the skin.
Using sun block for explores areas of skin in order to avoid all risk of burning (topical therapy).
Use of dark glasses effective against UVA should be advised during treatment sessions and for 8-10 hours following treatment and in certain cases up to 24 hours.
In women of childbearing age, use of an effective form of contraception should be recommended during treatment.
Attention should be paid to the potential long-term risks of photochemotherapy, e.g. skin ageing, changes in pigmentation, a risk of basal cell epithelioma and risk of cataract, and patients should consequently be closely monitored.
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