
M-Prednisolone Use In Pregnancy & Lactation



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Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
Animal studies have shown that corticosteroids, when administered to the mother at high doses, may cause fetal malformation. However, corticosteroids do not appear to cause congenital anomalies when given to pregnant women. Nevertheless, because the studies in humans cannot rule out the possibility of harm, methylprednisolone sodium succinate should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Some corticosteroids readily cross the placenta. One retrospective study found an increase incidence of low-birth weight in infants born of mother receiving corticosteroids. Infants born to mother, who have been receiving substantial doses of corticosteroids during pregnancy must be carefully observed and evaluated for signs of adrenal insufficiency, although neonatal adrenal insufficiency appears to be rare in infants who were exposed in utero to corticosteroids. There are no known effects of corticosteroids on labor and delivery. Cataracts have been observed in infants born to mothers treated with long-term corticosteroids during pregnancy. Benzyl alcohol can cross the placenta.
Lactation: Corticosteroids are excreted in breast milk. Corticosteroids distributed into breast milk may suppress growth and interfere with endogenous glucocorticoid production in nursing infants. Since adequate reproductive studies have not been performed in humans with glucocorticoids, these drugs should be administered to nursing mothers only if the benefits of therapy are judged to outweigh the potential risks to the infant.
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