
Edarbyclor Overdosage


Celltrion Healthcare


Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Limited data are available related to overdosage in humans.
Azilsartan Medoxomil: Limited data are available related to overdosage in humans. During controlled clinical trials in healthy subjects, once daily doses up to azilsartan medoxomil 320 mg were administered for 7 days and were well-tolerated. In the event of an overdose, supportive therapy should be instituted as dictated by the patient's clinical status. Azilsartan is not dialyzable.
Chlorthalidone: Symptoms of acute overdosage include nausea, weakness, dizziness and disturbances of electrolyte balance. The oral LD50 of the drug in the mouse and the rat is more than 25,000 mg/kg body weight. The minimum lethal dose (MLD) in humans has not been established. There is no specific antidote, but gastric lavage is recommended, followed by supportive treatment. Where necessary, this may include intravenous dextrose-saline with potassium, administered with caution.
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