
Tylenol Special Precautions



Johnson & Johnson


Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
Ask a doctor, dentist or pharmacist if the patient is/has: Liver disease or history of liver disease.
Kidney disorder or history of kidney disorder.
A history of allergic reaction to painkillers.
Taking warfarin or similar medicines to thin the blood.
Underweight or malnourished.
Drink alcohol regularly.
Pregnant or breastfeeding.
Taking the antibiotic flucloxacillin.
Stop taking this medicine and tell the doctor immediately if: The patient experiences allergic reactions such as skin rash or itching, sometimes with breathing problems or swelling of the lips, tongue, throat or face.
The patient experiences any skin rash or reaction. Symptoms of serious skin reactions may include skin reddening, rash, blisters, and separation of the upper surface of the skin from the lower layers. These serious skin reactions are rare, but can occur even if the patient had taken this medicine in the past without any problems.
The patient had previously experienced breathing problems with aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, and experience a similar reaction with this product.
The patient experiences nausea, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and yellowing of the eyes and skin.
The patient experiences unexplained bruising or bleeding.
The patient experiences mouth ulcers.
Other cautions for usage: If the patient has a severe infection as this may increase the risk of metabolic acidosis.
Signs of metabolic acidosis include: Deep, rapid, difficult breathing; feeling sick (nausea), being sick (vomiting); loss of appetite.
Contact a doctor immediately if the patient gets a combination of these symptoms.
If the patient has a serious skin reaction with this medicine, do not take it or any products containing paracetamol or acetaminophen again. Doing so could cause the patient to have another serious skin reaction.
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