
Albumax Description

human albumin


Green Cross Corp


Vizcarra Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
ALBUMAX is a 20% solution of purified human serum albumin prepared by Cohn ethanol fractionation method from normal pooled plasma obtained from healthy blood donors. After purification, the product is stabilized with sodium caprylate and acetyl tryptophan and passed through sterilizing filter.
ALBUMAX contains no preservatives. It is prepared from units of human plasma that have been tested and found negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV1/HIV2 and anti-HCV, and is heated at 60°C for 10 hrs. This heat treatment completely destroys the causative agents of viral hepatitis and AIDS. There are no known cases of viral hepatitis which have resulted from the administration of albumin.
Characteristics: Osmotically equivalent to four times an equal volume of plasma.
Requires no typing or cross-matching.
Room temperature storage for up to thirty six (36) months.
Can be used in conjunction with other fluids, such as 5% glucose.
Formulation: See Table 1.

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Physiology of Albumin: The total body albumin mass is about 300 g, Forty percent, or 120 g, is found in the plasma. Daily albumin synthesis in a normal adult is about 16 g. The half-life of albumin is approximately 20 days. For each 500 ml blood lost, a person loses only 12 g, or 4%, of the total body albumin. Thus, albumin in a four-unit hemorrhage (2000 ml) is entirely replaced by normal synthesis in 3 days.
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