
Adeflo Drug Interactions

salmeterol + fluticasone


Cathay Drug


Cathay Drug
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Salmeterol and other beta-2 agonist with corticosteroids, diuretics, or xanthines increases the risk of hypokalaemia, and monitoring of potassium concentrations is recommended in severe asthma, where such combination therapy is the rule. For an outline of interactions associated with sympathomimetics in general.
Concurrent use of fluticasone with barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone, or rifampicin may enhance the metabolism and reduce the effects of systemic corticosteroids. Conversely oral contraceptives or ritonavir may increase plasma concentrations of corticosteroids. Use of corticosteroids with potassium depleting diuretics, such as thiazides or furosemide may cause excessive potassium loss.
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