
Differin Drug Interactions





Zuellig Pharma
The information highlighted (if any) are the most recent updates for this brand.
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
There are no known interactions with other medications which might be used cutaneously and concurrently with Differin; however, other retinoids or drugs with a similar mode of action should not be used concurrently with adapalene.
Adapalene is essentially stable to oxygen and light and is chemically non-reactive. Whilst extensive studies in animals and man have shown neither phototoxic nor photoallergic potential for adapalene, the safety of using adapalene during repeated exposure to sunlight or UV irradiation has not been established in either animals or man. Exposure to excessive sunlight or UV irradiation should be avoided.
Absorption of adapalene through human skin is low, and therefore interaction with systemic medications is unlikely. There is no evidence that the efficacy of oral drugs eg, contraceptives and antibiotics is influenced by the cutaneous use of Differin.
Differin has a potential for mild local irritation, and therefore it is possible that concomitant use of peeling agents, astringents or irritant products may produce additive irritant effects. However, cutaneous anti-acne treatments eg, erythromycin (up to 4%) or clindamycin phosphate (1% as the base) solutions or benzoyl peroxide water-based gels up to 10%, may be used in the morning when Differin is used at night as there is no mutual degradation or cumulative irritation.
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