
Anhisan Adverse Reactions





Full Prescribing Info
Adverse Reactions
Emergency treatment of acute hypertensive crisis during surgery: The main side effect is tachycardia.
Emergency hypertension: The main side effect is facial redness.
Significant side effects: Paralytic ileus: Paralytic ileus can occur. If abnormal signs arise, they must be taken and the right steps must be taken.
Hypoxemia: Hypoxemia may occur rarely. If abnormal signs arise, they must be taken and the right steps must be taken.
Angina pain: (Case abroad) It takes less than 1% of patients approved by this injection of angina or increased exacerbation. If signs occur, the administration must be stopped and appropriate steps should be taken.
Thrombocytopenia: Thrombocytopenia can occur. The patient must be observed carefully, and if abnormal signs arise, administration must be stopped and appropriate steps must be taken.
Impaired liver function and jaundice: Impaired liver function associated with increased AST (GOT), ALT (GPT) or γ-GPT and jaundice can occur. The patient must be observed carefully, and if abnormal signs arise, administration must be stopped and appropriate steps must be taken.
Other adverse reactions: see Table 1.

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