
Vannair Overdosage

budesonide + formoterol




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An overdose of formoterol may lead to effects that are typical for β2-adrenergic agonists: tremor, headache, palpitations, and tachycardia. Monitoring of serum potassium concentrations may be warranted. Hypotension, metabolic acidosis, hypokalaemia, and hyperglycaemia may also occur. Supportive and symptomatic treatment may be indicated. β-blockers should be used with care because of the possibility of inducing bronchospasm in sensitive individuals. A metered dose of 120 μg administered during 3 hours in patients with acute bronchial obstruction raised no safety concerns.
Acute overdosage with budesonide, even in excessive doses, is not expected to be a clinical problem. However, the plasma cortisol level will decrease and number and percentage of circulating neutrophils will increase. The number and percentage of lymphocytes and eosinophils will decrease concurrently. When used chronically in excessive doses, systemic glucocorticosteroid effects, such as hypercorticism and adrenal suppression, may appear.
Withdrawing Vannair pMDI or decreasing the dose of budesonide will abolish these effects, although the normalisation of the HPA‑axis may be a slow process.
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