
Ultiva Use In Pregnancy & Lactation



Aspen Pharmacare Asia


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Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Ultiva should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the foetus.
It is not known whether remifentanil is excreted in human milk. However, because fentanyl analogues are excreted in human milk and remifentanil-related material was found in rat milk after dosing with remifentanil, nursing mothers should be advised to discontinue breast-feeding for 24 hours following administration of remifentanil.
For a summary of the reproductive toxicity study findings please refer to Pharmacology: Toxicology: Preclinical safety data under Actions.
Labour and Delivery: The safety profile of remifentanil during labour or delivery has not been demonstrated. There are insufficient data to recommend remifentanil for use during labour and Caesarean section. Remifentanil crosses the placental barrier and fentanyl analogues can cause respiratory depression in the child.
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