
Tacrolimus-Teva Dosage/Direction for Use





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Dosage/Direction for Use
Always take Tacrolimus-Teva exactly as advised by the doctor. Check with the doctor or pharmacist if not sure.
Make sure to receive the same tacrolimus medicine every time the prescription is collected, unless the transplant specialist has agreed to change to a different tacrolimus medicine.
This medicine should be taken twice a day. If the appearance of this medicine is not the same as usual, or if dosage instructions have changed, speak to the doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible to make sure that it is the right medicine.
The starting dose to prevent the rejection of the transplanted organ will be determined by the doctor calculated according to the body weight. Initial doses just after transplantation will generally be in the range of 0.075-0.30 mg per kg body weight per day depending on the transplanted organ.
The dose depends on the general condition and on which other immunosuppressive medication being taken. Regular blood tests by the doctor will be required to define the correct dose and to adjust the dose from time to time. The doctor will usually reduce the tacrolimus capsules dose once the condition has stabilised. The doctor will advise exactly how many capsules to take and how often.
Tacrolimus-Teva is taken orally twice daily, usually in the morning and evening. Take Tacrolimus capsules on an empty stomach or at least 1 hour before or 2 to 3 hours after the meal. The capsules should he swallowed whole with a glass of water. Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice while taking Tacrolimus capsules. Do not swallow the desiccant contained in the foil wrapper.
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