
Suprane Description



Baxter Healthcare


Baxter Healthcare
Firma Chun Cheong
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Full Prescribing Info
SUPRANE (desflurane, USP), a nonflammable liquid administered via vaporizer, is a general inhalation anesthetic. It is (±)1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl difluoromethyl ether.
Some physical constants are: Molecular weight: 168.04.
Specific gravity (at 20°C/4°C): 1.465.
Vapor pressure in mm Hg: 669 mm Hg @ 20°C; 731 mm Hg @ 22°C; 757 mm Hg @ 22.8°C (boiling point;1atm); 764 mm Hg @ 23°C; 798 mm Hg @ 24°C; 869 mm Hg @ 26°C.
Partition coefficients at 37°C: Blood/Gas: 0.424.
Olive Oil/Gas: 18.7.
Brain/Gas: 0.54.
Mean Component/Gas Partition Coefficients: Polypropylene (Y piece): 6.7.
Polyethylene (circuit tube): 16.2.
Latex rubber (bag): 19.3.
Latex rubber (bellows): 10.4.
Polyvinylchloride (endotracheal tube): 34.7.
SUPRANE is nonflammable as defined by the requirements of International Electrotechnical Commission 601-2-13.
SUPRANE is a colorless, volatile liquid below 22.8°C. Data indicate that SUPRANE is stable when stored under normal room lighting conditions according to instructions.
SUPRANE is chemically stable. The only known degradation reaction is through prolonged direct contact with soda lime producing low levels of fluoroform (CHF3). The amount of CHF3 obtained is similar to that produced with MAC-equivalent doses of isoflurane. No discernible degradation occurs in the presence of strong acids.
SUPRANE does not corrode stainless steel, brass, aluminum, anodized aluminum, nickel plated brass, copper, or beryllium.
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