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Laboratoires Bailleul International


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Adverse Reactions
Cutaneous application of potent corticosteroids to large areas (30% of the body surface area or more) and/or over long periods (more than 2 weeks) may lead to onset of the following undesirable effects: Hair follicle inflammation (folliculitis), increased and intensified hair growth (hypertrichosis), skin bleaching (hypopigmentation), so-called steroid-acne and telangiectasia linear skin lesions (striae cutis distensae, striae atrophicae) affecting notably the limbs (occurring more usually in adolescents), cutaneous atrophy, post-atrophy ecchymoses and fragile skin.
Disruption of the pituitary-adrenal axis on systemic uptake of the drug through the skin may also occur, particularly upon occlusive treatment of large areas.
Corticosteroids may give rise to perioral dermatitis or create or aggravate rosacea of the face, wound healing may be impaired in the case of atonic wounds, sores, leg ulcers (see Contraindications).
Potential systemic effects: see Precautions.
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