
Qdenga Drug Interactions




Zuellig Pharma
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Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
For patients receiving treatment with immunoglobulins or blood products containing immunoglobulins, such as blood or plasma, it is recommended to wait for at least 6 weeks, and preferably for 3 months, following the end of treatment before administering Qdenga to avoid neutralization of the attenuated viruses contained in the vaccine.
Qdenga should not be administered to subjects receiving immunosuppressive therapies such as chemotherapy or high doses of systemic corticosteroids within 4 weeks prior to vaccination (see Contraindications).
Use with other vaccines: If Qdenga is to be given at the same time as another injectable vaccine, the vaccines should always be administered at different injection sites.
Qdenga may be administered concomitantly with a hepatitis A vaccine. Coadministration has been studied in adults.
Qdenga may be administered concomitantly with a yellow fever vaccine. In a clinical study involving approximately 300 adult subjects who received Qdenga concomitantly with yellow fever 17D vaccine, there was no effect on the yellow fever seroprotection rates. Dengue antibody responses were decreased following concomitant administration of Qdenga and yellow fever 17D vaccine. The clinical significance of this finding is unknown.
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