
PROfertil Mechanism of Action


Lenus Pharma




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A normal function of the reproductive system is the most important prerequisite for a couple with the desire to have children and the maintenance of normal fertility is relevant for both women as well as men. Demographic surveys however assume that nowadays every sixth to seventh couple is experiencing problems in conceiving a child, whereas estimates by the World Health Organisation (WHO) state that the impediments are in 40% of the couples concerned only on the female side - in 20% they may be found on both sides and in further 40% this may be attributed to the male factor.
Normal functioning of male reproduction is a result of optimal spermatogenesis (the physiological process of formation and maturation of sperm cells) which is described as the qualitative and quantitative equilibrium of all factors relevant for the formation of sperm cells. Specifically, this means that based on established reference values (necessary for a successful fertilisation) both the amount and the mobility of the sperm cells as well as the proportion of well-formed sperm cells are significantly within normal ranges.
Research shows, that certain micronutrients have an influence on the number, mobility and formation of sperm cells and therefore normal male fertility and reproduction can benefit from a nutritional-physiological way.
Spermatogenesis is a very complex and physiologically complicated procedure that lasts usually for a period of about three months. During this process, the human body needs various essential nutritive substances to support the various development stages of the sperm cell, such as vitamins, vitamin-like substances, trace elements, mineral substances and amino acids. Only these specific nutrients can provide an optimal precondition for normal and healthy spermatogenesis.
For men with the desire to have children the most important task is to optimise their normal reproductive function and to maintain normal spermatogenesis. The demand for those specific nutrients which contribute to normal fertility is substantial and it can be demonstrated that with the regular and targeted supply of a well-balanced combination of specific nutrient substances in sufficient quantities the natural process of sperm production may be affected on a nutritional basis.
Numerous substances which are vital for spermatogenesis have already been analysed individually and the findings are published by reputable scientists. The unique formulation of the individual substances contained in PROfertil is based on these scientific results and the specific composition of PROfertil is tested in scientific studies and protected by patents.
Information on nutritive characteristics: PROfertil is a specifically developed health supplement, designed to support fertility and reproduction of men with the desire to have children and to contribute to normal spermatogenesis.
Selenium: Contributes to normal spermatogenesis.
Selenium is contained in the mitochondria of the middle part of the sperm cells and has a structural and enzymatic role, as it is responsible for both the maintenance of motility and the structural integrity of the tail of the sperm. The basic requirement for the reproductive capacity of a man is a functioning spermatogenesis (biological process of formation of sperm cells). A normal spermatogenesis therefore is an unconditional prerequisite for the fertilisation of a female ovum by the sperm and thus for the probability of conception.
Zinc: Contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.
Zinc plays an important role in reproduction in males and females. Spermatogenesis is a Zinc dependent process and seminal fluid is particularly rich in Zinc. The normalisation of fertility and reproductive ability of men are understandably the essential prerequisites for the conception of a child.
Folate: Contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism.
Homocysteine is a metabolic product obtained during the breakdown of proteins. By an accumulation of homocysteine the blood supply to the testicle may be disrupted and in turn not only the number but also the motility of the sperms may be reduced. A normalisation of the homocysteine levels is therefore supporting men with the desire to have children.
Contributes to normal amino acid synthesis.
The normalisation of the synthesis of amino acids is an important prerequisite for the quality of sperm. By synthesis of amino acids such as Lysine and Methionine, for example, L-Carnitine is formed in the organism and by synthesis of the amino acids Glutamic acid, Cysteine and Glycine the important compound Glutathione is formed.
Vitamin E and Selenium: Contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including several kinds of radicals are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. They are generated in biochemical processes in the body and as a consequence of exposure to external factors (such as pollutants, radiation) and can react with their environment very easily. These reactive intermediates damage biologically relevant molecules such as DNA, proteins and lipids if they are not intercepted by the antioxidant network which includes free radical scavengers like antioxidant nutrients. Vitamin E and Selenium are part of the antioxidant defence system, which is a complex network including both endogenous and dietary antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes and repair mechanisms. In the seminal fluid, oxidative stress results in a reduction of sperm concentration and of motility of the sperm cells. In addition, oxidative stress may also lead to changes in the sperm DNA structure (breaks in the DNA-strand).
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