

abacavir + lamivudine


Hetero Labs


Medicell Pharma
Concise Prescribing Info
Abacavir sulfate 600 mg, lamivudine 300 mg
HIV infection in adults & childn ≥25 kg.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Adult & childn ≥25 kg 1 tab once daily.
May be taken with or without food.
Hypersensitivity. Moderate & severe hepatic impairment.
Special Precautions
Risk for hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) characterized by fever &/or rash w/ other symptoms indicating multi-organ involvement. Increased risk for abacavir HSR. Not recommended in patients w/ HLA-B*5701 allele or in patients w/ suspected abacavir HSR during treatment w/ any other abacavir-containing medicinal products. Consider testing for HLA-B*5701 prior to initiating & re-starting abacavir treatment in patients of unknown HLA-B*5701 status; discontinue treatment w/o delay if HSR is suspected; do not restart treatment if HSR cannot be ruled out; misdiagnosis of abacavir HSR as resp disease (eg, pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis), or gastroenteritis. Discontinue treatment in symptomatic hyperlactatemia & metabolic/lactic acidosis, progressive hepatomegaly, or rapidly elevating aminotransferase levels. Obese women, patients w/ hepatomegaly, hepatitis or other known risk factors for liver disease & hepatic steatosis; patients co-infected w/ hepatitis C & treated w/ α-interferon & ribavirin; suspend treatment in patients who developed clinical or laboratory findings suggestive of lactic acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity. May increase serum lipid & blood glucose levels. HIV-infected patients w/ severe immune deficiency. Evaluate inflammatory symptoms w/o delay & initiate treatment when necessary. Autoimmune disorders (eg, Graves' disease, polymyositis & Guillain-Barre syndrome). Patients co-infected w/ HBV; consider periodic monitoring of liver function tests & HBV replication markers upon discontinuation of therapy. Increased risk of severe & potentially fatal hepatic adverse events in patients w/ chronic hepatitis B or C. Closely observe for opportunistic infections & other HIV-infection complications. Triple nucleoside therapy. Not proven to prevent risk of HIV transmission to others through sexual contact or blood contamination. Risk of MI. Consider the underlying risk of coronary heart disease & minimize all modifiable risk factors (eg, HTN, hyperlipidaemia, DM & smoking). Mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV negative infants exposed in utero &/or post-natally to nucleoside analogues. Not recommended for use in patients w/ CrCl <50 mL/min. Pregnancy & lactation. Childn <25 kg. Elderly >65 yr.
Adverse Reactions
Headache; nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea; fever, fatigue. Abacavir: Hypersensitivity; anorexia; rash (w/o systemic symptoms), lethargy. Lamivudine: Insomnia; cough, nasal symptoms; abdominal pain or cramps; rash, alopecia; arthralgia, muscle disorders; malaise.
Drug Interactions
Slightly decreased abacavir plasma conc w/ potent enzymatic inducers eg, rifampicin, phenobarb & phenytoin. Increased abacavir AUC w/ ethanol. Increased methadone mean systemic clearance. Increased lamivudine plasma conc w/ trimethoprim. Avoid chronic co-administration w/ sorbitol-containing medicines. Intracellular phosphorylation of emtricitabine may be inhibited by lamivudine; not recommended for use in combination w/ emtricitabine or emtricitabine-containing fixed-dose combinations.
MIMS Class
ATC Classification
J05AR02 - lamivudine and abacavir ; Belongs to the class of antivirals for treatment of HIV infections, combinations.
Abalam 600 mg/300 mg FC tab
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