


Tianjin Longshunrong


Full Prescribing Info
Radix astragali, Radix angelicae sinensis, Herba solani lyrati, Herba solani nigri, Salvae miltiorrhizae radix et rhizoma, Scutellariae barbatae herba, Duchesnea indica, Curcumae radix.
Each tablet weighs 0.65 g. After the coating is removed, Zilongjin-8 tablet is dark brown, tastes slightly bitter and smells aromatic.
Mechanism of Action: Tumors develop as a result of uncontrolled cell cycle. By regulating the molecules that are closely associated with cell cycle eg, oncogene, tumor suppressor genes, cyclins, cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs), cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) and the signal pathway in the cell, Zilongjin-8 helps get the cell cycle of cancer cells back to their normal rhythm. The proliferation of cancer cells is effectively inhibited by Zilongjin-8. It restrains the activities of the cell cyclic engine molecules-cyclin D and the CDK4/6 while activating the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors P-16, P-15.
Pharmacology: Pharmacological Action: In combination with the drugs for chemotherapy, Zilongjin-8 can strengthen the effects of the treatment and decrease toxicity. It ensures normal peripheral blood indexes, protects the liver and kidneys, and effectively relieve decrease of white blood cell that are caused by the chemotherapeutic drugs eg, DDP, cytoxan, etc, used for inhibiting the marrow or by effectively eliminating the side effects eg, damage to liver and kidney, nausea, vomiting and loss of hair that are caused by reduction of the chemotherapeutic drugs. Zilongjin-8 is useful in lung and stomach cancer. It can diminish and restrain the growth of a patient's foci, alleviate significantly their clinical symptoms, and so improve their life quality and prolong their life expectancy. It can also improve multiple immune indexes eg, the activity of T-lymphocytes subgroup, IL-2 and NK, relief of adverse clinical reactions associated with chemotherapy eg, decrease of peripheral blood indexes, damage to liver and kidney, nausea, vomiting and loss of hair.
Toxicology: Long-term toxicity studies of Zilongjin-8 on animals indicate no toxic effects on the rat's hematopoiesis, liver and kidney functions, protein, sugar and cholesterol metabolism. No toxic effects have been found on the rat's heart, liver spleen, lungs, kidney, stomach and brain. Beijing Cancer Hospital has made clinical observations of over 20,000 patients from 1993-2001, while the hospitals designated by the Drug Administration of China have observed 419 lung cancer patients for over 2 years. Their findings indicate no observable toxic effects.
Food supplement.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Take orally, 4 tablets each meal 3 times a day with lukewarm water either before or after meals. Ideal treatment is 6 periods or equivalent to 24 consecutive weeks. Generally, treatment with Zilongjin-8 would require long-term therapy. Zilongjin-8 may be recommended alone to cancer patients who may not undergo operation or chemotherapy. In combination with chemotherapeutic drugs, Zilongjin-8 should be taken 1 or 2 weeks before chemotherapy to effectively protect the white blood cells. Postoperative use of the Zilongjin-8 for over 3 consecutive months can prevent metastasis and recrudescence of the foci.
Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
Zilongjin-8 should not be administered to pregnant women.
Adverse Reactions
No observable toxic reactions.
Store in a cool and dry place.
MIMS Class
Supplements & Adjuvant Therapy
ATC Classification
V06DX - Other combinations of nutrients ; Used as general nutrients.
Zilongjin-8 tab 650 mg
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