
Pimax Special Precautions





ECE Pharma


AAA Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
This medicine may cause dizziness, light-headedness, on rare occasions, fainting. Take care when moving from a lying down or sitting or standing particularly if waking up in the night, until the patient knows how this medicines affects him/her. If feeling dizzy or light headed at any time during treatment, sit or lie down until the symptoms pass.
This medicine may cause drowsiness, dizziness or blurred vision and so may affect the ability to drive or operate machinery safely.
Do not drive or operate machinery until the patient knows how this medicine affects him/her and if the patient is sure it won't affect his/her performance.
This medicine does not cause prostate cancer, but prostate cancer can be another cause of an enlarged prostate gland. For this reason, tests for prostate cancer should be carried out before the patient start treatment with this medicine, and at regular intervals thereafter. One test that can be carried out is a digital rectal examination (DRE). The other is to measure the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood.
If the patient is scheduled to have eye surgery or cataract it is important to let an eye specialist know if the patient is or has been taking this medicine. This is because Tamsulosin can make the pupil dilate poorly and the iris (the coloured circular part of the eye) become floppy during the procedure. The specialist needs to know if the patient has been taking this medicine so they can take appropriate precautions with the medicines and techniques they use during the surgery. The patient may be asked to stop taking this medicine for a period of time before cataract surgery. Check with a doctor.
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