
Budecort Adverse Reactions





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Adverse Reactions
Turbuhaler: Up to 10% of patients treated may be expected to experience adverse reactions of a local nature. (See Table 2.)

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Occasional cases of nervousness, restlessness, depression and behavioural disturbances have been observed. On account of the risk of Candida infections in the oropharynx the patient must rinse the mouth with water after every dose.
In isolated cases signs or symptoms of systemic glucocorticoid effects may occur, including adrenal hypofunction.
Isolated cases of bruising have occurred.
Respules: Clinical trials, literature reports and post-marketing experience suggest that the following adverse drug reactions may occur: See Table 3.

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In rare cases, through unknown mechanisms, drugs for inhalation may cause bronchospasm.
In rare cases signs or symptoms of systemic glucocorticosteroid effect, including hypofunction of the adrenal gland and reduction of growth velocity, may occur with inhaled glucocorticosteroids, probably depending on dose, exposure time, concomitant and previous steroid exposure, and individual sensitivity.
Facial skin irritation has occurred in some cases when a nebuliser with a face mask has been used. To prevent irritation the facial skin should be washed with water after use of the face mask.
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