
Afiten Drug Interactions







Aung Paing Tun
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Tell the doctor or the pharmacist if the patient is taking, has recently taken or might take any other medicines. Always tell the doctor or pharmacist if the patient is using or receiving any of the following medicines in addition to Afiten: ketoconazole, itraconazole (against fungal infections) or ritonavir (an AIDS drug), as the amlodipine concentration may be raised; rifampicin, as the amlodipine concentration may be reduced; natural remedies that contain St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), as the amlodipine concentration may be reduced; other blood pressure lowering drugs and diuretics, as amlodipine may strengthen their action; tacrolimus (used to control the body's immune response, enabling the body to accept the transplanted organ); clarithromycin (for infections caused by bacteria).
Afiten with food, drink and alcohol: The patient can take Afiten with food and drink.
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