
Sanfuracil Special Precautions



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Special Precautions
Since SANFURACIL is a highly toxic drug with a narrow margin of safety, it should be given only by or under the careful supervision of a qualified physician who is experienced in cancer chemotherapy.
The daily dose of SANFURACIL should not exceed 800 mg.
Because of the possibility of severe toxic reactions, it is recommended that patients be hospitalized during the initial course of therapy.
SANFURACIL should be used with extreme caution in poor risk patients with a history of high dosage irradiation, previous use of alkylating agents, or who have a widespread involvement of bone marrow by metastatic tumors or impaired hepatic or renal function.
SANFURACIL, should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, unless the potential benefits are considered to outweigh hazards on foetal development.
The toxicity of SANFURACIL increases with any therapy which increases the stress of the patients, interferes with nutrition, or depresses bone marrow function.
Severe hematological toxicity, gastrointestinal haemorrhage, and even death may result from SANFURACIL use despite careful patients selection and dosage adjustment.
Therapy should be discontinued promptly whenever one of the following signs of toxicity appears: Stomatitis or esophagopharyngitis; Leucopenia (WBC under 3500), or a rapidly falling white blood count; Thrombocytopenia (under 100,000); Haemorrhage from any site; Gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding; Severe diarrhea; Intractable vomiting.
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