
NovoSeven Drug Interactions

factor viia, recombinant


Novo Nordisk


Firma Chun Cheong
The information highlighted (if any) are the most recent updates for this brand.
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Drug Interactions
The risk of a potential interaction between NovoSeven and coagulation factor concentrates is unknown. Simultaneous use of prothrombin complex concentrates, activated or not, should be avoided.
Anti-fibrinolytics have been reported to reduce blood loss in association with surgery in haemophilia patients, especially in orthopaedic surgery and surgery in regions rich in fibrinolytic activity, such as the oral cavity. Experience with concomitant administration of anti-fibrinolytics and rFVIIa treatment is however limited.
Based on a non-clinical study (see Pharmacology: Toxicology: Preclinical safety data under Actions), it is not recommended to combine rFVIIa and rFXIII.
There are no clinical data available on interaction between rFVIIa and rFXIII.
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