
Androgel Side Effects



Besins Healthcare


The Glory Medicina
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Side Effects
Like all medicines, ANDROGEL may have side effects.
Skin reactions such as irritation, acne, and dry skin may occasionally occur at the application site.
ANDROGEL may cause headaches, hair loss, development of painful, tender or enlarged breasts, changes to the prostate gland, diarrhoea, dizziness, pins and needles, an increase in blood pressure, changes to mood, changes in laboratory tests (increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, lipids), skin hypersensitivity and stinging.
Gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) may be persistent and is a common finding in patients treated for testosterone deficiency.
Other side effects have been observed during treatment with oral or injectable testosterone: enlarged prostate gland and prostate cancer, itching over the entire body, redness of the face and neck, nausea, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), increased sex drive, depression, nervousness, muscular pain, electrolyte changes (changes of the salts in the blood), oligospermia (reduction in the number of sperm), frequent or prolonged erections, changes in the results of tests.
Certain clinical signs (irritability, nervousness, weight gain, frequent or prolonged erections) may indicate an excessive effect due to the product. Report these to the doctor who will adjust the daily dose of ANDROGEL.
Because of the alcohol this substance contains, frequent applications to the skin may cause irritation and skin dryness.
Tell the doctor or pharmacist if side effects not previously listed are experienced.
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