Wyeth S-26 Gold金裝愛兒樂

Wyeth S-26 Gold

Basic Prescribing Info
Per 100 mL Protein 1.3 g (65% whey 0.87 g of which α-lactalbumin 0.23 g, 35% casein 0.47 g), fat 3.6 g (linoleic acid 520 mg, α-linolenic acid 42 mg, AA 12 mg, DHA 12 mg), total carbohydrates 7.3 g [sucrose 0 g, soluble dietary fiber (as oligofructose) 0.3 g], moisture 90 g, ash (minerals) 0.26 g, Ca:P ratio 1.8, nucleotides 2.1 mg (CMP 1 mg, UMP 0.4 mg, AMP 0.32 mg, GMP 0.16 mg, IMP 0.16 mg), taurine 3.8 mg, L-carnitine 0.85 mg, lutein 11 mcg, vit A 66 mcg-RE, natural carotenes 21 mcg, vit D3 1.2 mcg, vit E 0.7 mg α-TE, vit K 5.4 mcg, vit B1 80 mcg, vit B2 88 mcg, vit B6 55 mcg, vit B12 0.15 mcg, niacin 500 mcg, folic acid 11 mcg, pantothenic acid 350 mcg, biotin 1.8 mcg, vit C 8 mg, choline 16 mg, inositol 4.5 mg, Ca 34 mg, P 19 mg, Mg 4.5 mg, Fe 0.68 mg, Zn 0.55 mg, copper 33 mcg, manganese 5 mcg, iodine 9 mcg, Na 19 mg, K 50 mg, Cl 35 mg, selenium 1.2 mcg. Energy: 67 kcal
MIMS Class
Infant Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
V06C - INFANT FORMULAS ; Used as general nutrients in infant formulas.
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