
MediBio-S Mechanism of Action


Pacific Pharma


AA Medical
Full Prescribing Info
Capsule: Digestive function (prevention of intestine infection and inhibition of decomposition of intestine): MediBio-S has very strong reproduction ability in internal intestine so it inhibits development of harmful bacteria through normalizing pH of intestine by producing large amount of lactic acid.
Prevention or treatment of microbial substitution: Prevention or treatment of intestinal disorders caused by antibiotics and chemotherapy - Constipation, loose stools, abdominal fullness, abnormal intestinal fermentation caused by microbial substitution.
Promoting function of intestine: MediBio-S prevents abnormal intestinal fermentation and promotes secretion, absorption or movements (peristalsis or segmentation movements). It has effect on prevention or treatment of every intestinal disease (loose stools, constipation, abdominal fullness).
Resistance to other drugs: MediBio-S has resistance against antibiotics or chemotherapy. It is resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics, so patients can take this with other drugs.
Rapid effect of treatment of diarrhea: MediBio-S inhibits Colibacillus, Proteus, and Staphylococcus which cause diarrhea.
Increase internal intestinal reproduction: MediBio-S has shorter generation time than other lactobacillus, so it reproduces rapidly and forms normal bacterial flora.
Enteric-coated capsule: As treatment for every intestinal disease, it reaches intestine while not being degraded by gastric acid because of enteric-coated capsules compared to other normal capsules.
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